Sunday, September 9, 2012

How to Crack a Interview ?

Hello Everyone
                            As Interview is a one of crucial round for selection of any post so one should be seriously prepare to crack it.Everyone gets nervous before their interviews  specially freshers and it is natural to be.Do not worry,you can crack it too.Different type of interviews are taken by different companies for different positions depending upon their requirement and job designation.It might be a technical interview,HR interview ,etc.Actually it depends.
There are no hard and fast rule for interviews but still below are some tips which might help you to crack it.
1)Always wear a formal dress while going for interview.
2)Standing outside the interview room,be calm.You can pray to God.
3)Enter into the room with a smiling face.
4)Do not enter into the room without the permission of interviewer.Ask for it.
5)Do not sit untill interviewer does not allow you for the same.
6)Take a right posture and do not place your hands on the interviewer's desk.
7)Be confident.
8)Eye contact is must.
9)Never disagree with the interviewer.It might decrease chances of being selected.
9)Do not see here and there while answering.
10)Never give wrong answer.If you do not know answer of any question,simply tell the interviewer that you do not know .
11)Do not copy answers of your friends and avoid giving ready made answers.Give your own genuine answers.
12)There are some questions which every interviewer ask.Below are some of them rest you can google for more similar questions.
a)Tell me something about yourself?
b)What do you expect from our company?
c)What are your salary expectations?
                                                               Be prepare  in advance to answer such questions .It will surely help you.
13)Never give straight forward answers .Be diplomatic
                                                                       These all tips will help you definitely,if you follow them.Rest,sometimes interviews  depends upon  our luck and interviewer's mood also.Improve your communication skill and be confident throughout the interview.
That is all.   
If still  you need to ask any question  or have any query ,Please ask by comments.I will be glad to help.
Best of Luck.

Sunday, April 22, 2012

Does God Really Exist?

Hello all.
I am just going to share my own views about God and Religion.I do not have motive to hurt anyone's feelings ,beliefs.So be calm and relax when you are reading this article.
God is a idea of psychologically sick people and religion is a crutch for the psychologically crippled people.The very questions that comes to my mind when i think about God and religion are:
Who is God? Who Created him? Did anyone ever see him,ever meet him,ever communicated with him?The answer would be No.Actually all the religions of the world are against the integrated men because integrated men does not need God,does not need priest,does not need church.

Who created God?
God is a theological hypothesis.They needed the God to create the world-without even bothering about who created God.Their fundamental idea is that without somebody creating ,nothing can be created that's why they have accepted God as the creator of the world.But why stop with God?
The thesis was that nothing can be created without a creator.Then the question arises who created God?According to all religions question has remained unanswered.They know if they say God A was created by God B they will get into more trouble-then God C and God D,and the whole alphabet,still,when reach X,Y,Z,nothing will be solved,who created God Z?

Devil and God are a married couple.
if God can be dropped ,there is no need for the devil.They are like a married couple because nobody has seen either of them.It is very difficult to say who is man and who is woman.But devil seems to a male because he has working all along and God must be a housewife-that's why you don't see her any more at market place.But devil you will find everywhere.You don't have to look for him,his is looking of you!
The sinners are the servants of Devil and saints are servants of God.

Religious people are not even ready to listen your argument.
It may seems funny but its a fact.I tell you a real story about it.When Galileo wrote that the Sun does not go around the earth but earth goes around the sun.He was called by the Pope to his court and asked "you have to change your book because it goes against the Bible.In Bible the statement is that the sun goes around the earth and we are not ready to listen to any argument.You simply change it otherwise ,death will be your punishment.
Similarly when Copernicus found that the earth is not flat as it is said in the Bible ,but round ,he was immediately in trouble.He said to Pope,"its my lifelong work and i have proof for it and moreover it does not effect your religion."The Pope said "you do not understand,the question is not whether it affect our religiousness or not,the question is that Bible is God's book,the holy book,God cannot be wrong,we cannot accept it."Secondly if one statement is proved wrong then what is the Grantee about other statements?it create the suspicion.It destroys the very foundation of belief and faith."So we cannot accept anything in the Bible as Wrong."
They just blindly believe in the holy books .Everything written over there is true for them and they are even not ready to listen anything against it even it is right,proved.It seems funny and Non-sense to Me!!

Who keeps the God alive?
Now if God really does not exist ,still why people believe in him?Who keeps this hypothesis alive?Our priest,holy men are major culprits ,they keeps God alive.God is a hypothesis,but still it helps the people to get rid of their guilt.The priest is the beneficiary.He keeps the hypothesis alive,he fights for it.Because all that comes to God as offerings to erase the guilt of people reaches the priests.So the priest's whole work is to make more and more people guilty.This is a business,make people guilty about everything.And guilt is the whole foundation of your religion.The priest needs you to be guilty,because of guilt you need God-who is going to forgive you.
Here i tell you a another story about this fact.In India,Krishna had Sixteen thousand wives.Now what about 15999 men who lost their wives?Those wives were Stolen,forcibly taken away.They were mother ,they are wives,sisters.Now how to prevent those 15999 men?if they all joined they could kill Krishna ,they could easily get back their wives.So they had to be prevented and priests had to invent the ways to prevent them.Here the priests played their role.
Priest said "Krishna is no ordinary man.He is God's creation."You should be happy that he has chosen your wife ,not anybody else's.You are fortunate and will get the great joys in Paradise.So do not be angry,rather take it easily and happily.
So our priest and holy men are major culprits for a organized crime called religion.

Greatest harm of the religion to humanity.
The greatest harm of the religion to humanity is to prevent the humanity from finding a true religion.All the religions of the world have conditioned the human mind from the very childhood to believe that religion in which you are born is the true religion.A Hindu believes his religion is the only true religion in the world,all other religions are false.They all are in agreement at one point that is there is no need to find a true religion.It is already available to you-you are born in it.
Be honest and tell ,do not you think the same?

Who goes to Churches,temples and other holy places?
The most crowd in the temples,churches and Guradwaras is of old people,who are close to their death.Younger will be least there. When people come close to their graves ,when they feel that their one foot is in grave ,they put their other foot in the church! Who knows ,may be all the stories that have been told in the church are true,and any why their is no harm-why take a chance? It seems funny!
Moreover all the religions of world are death oriented.They are more interested in the stuff after death(Hell and Heaven).

What is religion and who is God?
The art of Consciousness is a true religion.There is no Hindu religion,no Christian,no Mohammedan,there is only one religion ,that is religion of consciousness.You must be so aware ,so enlightened and awakened that you can see clearly and can respond according to the reality.
This nature is your God,this Universe is your God,your conscious mind is your God.

What is religiousness?
I do not call a man irreligious who does not believe in God.I do not call a man irreligious who does not go to temple or churches.I do not call a man irreligious if he denies heaven and hell and all the non sense.But i call a man irreligious if he does not fell unworthy of all that he has received and is receiving every moment,with every breath,with every heartbeat.Life is continuously giving to you.
The things that are called prayers are just false.Millions of temples and churches and million of people continuously praying but their prayers are false because they are always asking for something.They are never thanking for what they have already received.In their prayers if you look you will find the beggar,ungrateful beggar.And you will find in all the prayers of all the religions ,there is a certain complaint that things are not as they should be ,that other are getting more ,i am not getting that much.

What is aim of Life?

Life has no aim other than itself.God is name given to life by theologians,Priests,Pops and it has danger in it because it can be argued against.Almost half of the earth does not believe in the God.Not only communists but the Buddhists,Jains and there are million of free thinkers who are atheists. The name "God" is not much defensible because it is given by man and there is no evidence,no proof ,no argument for it.
Millions have denied God,but how can you deny life? It is beating in your heart.It is in your breathing,its is showing in your eyes.It is expressing in your love.
All your religions are worshippers of death.They worship only the dead saints.When they are alive,you crucify them,when they are alive you condemn them,when they are alive you stone them to death.But when they are dead ,you worship them.A sudden change occurs.Why?
I want to know, Why are the dead saints worshipped and living are condemned?Because dead saints full-fill all the conditions of being religious-they do not laugh,they do not enjoy,they do not love,they do not dance and moreover they do not have any kind of relationship with existence.Do not you see the stupidity of all this,that the living are worshipping the dead,the present is worshipping the past.Life is being forced to worship death.What is all this Non-Sense!!
Look around,animals do not have any religion except life.Trees do not have any religion except life and similarly stars do not have any religion except life.Except man,the whole existence trusts in life,there is no other god and there is no other temple.
Every religion uses the argument that it is very old,very ancient.For example Hinduism.Religions which are not very old naturally they have to try the opposite argument.For example,Sikhism ,which is only 500 years old,their argument is that older religions are older versions of God's messages to man,we are bringing the latest message of God to man.

Drop the Chains.
We are born free but we are living in chains.Those chains which we accepted and we have accepted them more willingly because those chains are made of Gold.Those chains are made of prestige ,power and moreover they are cover with the beautiful flowers.So not only we accepted them but we go on desiring more and more because we think they are made of ornaments.Freedom is not a problem that how to achieve it,the problem is how to get rid of those chains.So first thing is to recognize those chains as chains not as ornaments,a prison as prison not as a home,a marriage as a bondage not as a love.Only then you can get freedom.
Freedom is not a problem so do not ask how to get it.Think about,you are born free then how did you become a slave?You are born just human being then how did you become a Mohammedan or a Hindu or a Christian? As long as there is God,man cannot be at peace because it is a God who is dividing a man,otherwise what is the difference between a Hindu and a Mohammedan and a Christian and a Jew?Just their idea of God.
God is your chain,religion is your chain,the idea of sin ,the idea of virtue are your chains.
I am not a agnostic but my idea of God is different.For me ,God does not exist in temples,Churches.

After reading it ,some people might think that Amrit is gone mad,insane.He is condemning the whole system,religions,priest,pops.He is a type of insane.Whatever you guys think about me,I do not mind.But I have no intention to condemn anything,your religion,your beliefs.I Just couldn't stop myself to press random keys on keyword on express my random thoughts.You are free to say anything. Please do not take it all personally.I just placed my views.You all are most welcome to place your own views as comments.
